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Levon Barseghyan. “The criminal world and militia world are intertwined…”

September 04,2013 10:40 asked the Chairman of Gyumri Journalists’ Club “Asparez” Levon Barseghyan to evaluate the actions of two senior police officers who were trying to cut the so-called bread of the thieves, were getting ready to rob the “Rubin” jewelry store located in the center of Gyumri. “I think I have once explained that the police trying to rob could not know that the territory is video-audio recorded and controlled, nevertheless they did it. So, I think that they had a guarantee from somewhere, in some way that the device will be switched off. This is a logical judgment, may be I am wrong, and the investigation is required to clarify the circumstances also, because people with 10-15 years of experience in the police world can not go to such absurd things knowing that it is video recorded. So, either they have turned it off, or they thought that it was off, so they were given a guarantee that it was turned off.

It is not ruled out that they hide a lot. The intertwined of the criminal world with law enforcement since Dzerzhinsky times was normal until the end of the Soviet, and then who said that there something has changed fundamentally. There are prisoners, whose doors are always open, there are prisoners who never eat the bread of the prison, they eat what is brought and bought from outside, the systems is such to carry information back and forth, and so on and so forth. These two worlds are intertwined together, the criminal world and militia world. It was not a big surprise for me to learn that police officers were apprehended for robbery of the store, the world is so intertwined that with that their general swaggeringly speaks. That man is unaware that we were saying for years that there is weapon, a hostility between such-and-such families in the city, they are waiting until those weapons work, shoot each other, and then go and collect the dead bodies. We’ve talked about it many times, for years, but these people do not make preventive measures, or do not do at that level what should be.

Perhaps, such clashes, bloody incidents are beneficial, perhaps this is in the means of their struggle, perhaps they have watched a few American films, they have thought that this is the best solution, let them squabble each other and leave,” – said the Chairman of “Asparez” club. He also said that none of the owners of the weapons seized in Gyumri so far has been prosecuted for possession of illegal weapons. “They had allegedly seized 30 weapons, they showed, made a show, the word seized prompted me that they have forcibly taken. I have sent inquiry, I have ask how many criminal cases have you filed regarding such seizures and confiscations, they say, no one, they have voluntarily delivered to us. We have the list as if this-and-this person from this-and-this place has delivered, we know very well that it is forcedly taken weapon, but you have not filed any criminal case, hey friend. In other words, you, at your own, are applying some quasi-judicial methods in the law enforcement system; you find that you solve the problem like that, as if collecting weapons. Whereas, if you have found-seized, and confiscated, you must initiate a criminal case for illegal possession of weapons. No, he says that the man has voluntarily delivered; he is relieved of the responsibility. How did it happened that he delivered? Well, I do not understand why didn’t they deliver it to me, but to you, Vova Gasparyan?” – asks Levon Barseghyan.


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