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June 02,2005 00:00

The Armenian will
be considered as the enemy for the Azerbaijanis and the Azerbaijanis will be considered
as the enemy of the Armenians for a long time.The "Region" center
from the RA and the institute of Peace and Democracy of Azerbaijan produced yesterday
the results of the project "Armenia and Azerbaijan in the watershed of neither
peace nor war, how to surmount the stereotypes" held by the delegation of
European commission in Armenia. This project has included some pieces; the media
monitoring has been organized, social poling, an internet-conference and a joint
film have been shot both in the RA and Azerbaijan. All these aimed to find out
the characters of enemy and partner between these two neighbor but not friendly
countries, their attitudes towards each other to understand how the stereotypes
of the enemy have appeared.Six published organs of the press have been examined
during the media monitoring. The anti-Armenian propaganda surpassed in the Azerbaijani
press. The Armenian press is much more neutral. But at any case the character
of the enemy associates for these two countries with each other. It has much more
demonstration in Azerbaijan. And in this case the chief of the section of Conflictology
and migration at the Institute of Peace and Democracy in Azerbaijan Arif Yunusof
who was explaining it yesterday by a certain situation. Today the Azerbaijanis
are the loosing party for that reason they try to change something so the character
of the enemy is more underlined in Azerbaijan. According to Mr. Yunusov some "Armenianization"
has begun in Azerbaijan. How shameful it is to admit but he meant with this word
the Armenian psychological complex for being suffered, the victims of the genocide.
"When in 1992 a refugee who run away from the RA suggested to call "genocide"
the events of Khojalu everybody was shocked as only Armenians can be the victims
of the genocide in our public way of thinking, but never the Azerbaijanis as there
is something humiliating. But the armenianism of our society began under Heidar
Aliev’s rule the words "genocide", "Defeat" became in
mode,"-Arif Yunusov writes. He noticed that if the word "fascist"
was associated wit the word "Germans" before the Karabakh conflict now
it is associated with the word "Armenians". "Saying dashnaks, fascists
the Azerbaijanis understand the Armenian nation and put there the most negative
meaning. They even don’t know that "dashnak" is a party. It has been
even written in one of the media "That dashnak Levon Ter-Petrosian".
I was explaining for a long time that Levon Ter-Petrosian was not only a dashnak
but just the opposite,"- the Azerbaijani politician told.The social poling
shows that the overwhelming majority /93,5% and 89,2%. of both countries considers
each other as the enemy. The 54,8 % of the Armenians feel "hatred" towards
the Azerbaijanis, 51,6% feel "anger" and the 48,3% feel "contempt".
And the 85,1% of Azerbaijanis feel towards Armenians "contempt", 76,9%
feel "anger" and the 41,6% feel "hatred". Besides 4 from the
1000 feel love towards the nation which have the stereotype of enemy.As the
chief of the "Region" researching center Laura Baghdasarian noticed
that the time did its work and the character of the Armenians for the Azerbaijanis
and the opposite had become virtual. If we meant certain figures saying the Azerbaijani
some generations ago now it is an irrational character. That "impersonality"
has different influence on the new generations of the countries, in particularly
on 16-25 years old people. The Armenian youth is more tolerant to the virtual
Azerbaijani but the new Azerbaijani generation is more intolerant than the generation,
which knew the Armenians personally. Melania BarseghianP.S.
The ways for surpassing stereotypes weren’t mentioned. Perhaps it is early.

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