Day newsfeed


July 13,2005 00:00

original "censorship” towards the Internet sites.The Internet site
of "Investigating journalists" public organization doesn’t
exist since 8 of July. According to the massage of the organization the hackers
have damaged the server of "Hetq" Internet weekly of the organization.
"Those who have damaged the server were professionals, but it isn’t known
yet where it has been done from. The server of "Hetq" is in the USA.
The personnel of "Hetq" apologize to its readers. The "Hetq"
will be restored in some days",- is said in the massage. The head of
"Investigating journalists" organization Edik Baghdasarian says that
it is for the first time when the hackers have tried to prevent the works of "Hetq".
Ed. Baghdasarian didn’t know why that moment was chosen but according to him publishing
about trafficking were replaced in the site after which the site was closed only
for Dubai readers. There were also publishing about courts and judges. One of
it was about sitting of the court where the judge was speaking by phone during
the court decision. But exactly what publishing became the target of the hackers
Ed Baghdasarian didn’t know. To our question if it is possible the damage of the
server to be technical Mr. Baghdasarian said: "It seems no. We kept silence
for some days thinking that the reason was technical but then we checked and understood
that the reason wasn’t that".By the way we were informed from "A1+"
producer Susanna Ohanjanian that the hackers were interfering in "A1+"
organized polling about appointment of the Yerevan mayor. "Our Internet site
was in the same situation especially in the days of PACE sittings but we also
had an Armenia server so about 30% of the readers didn’t notice it. And now it
is obvious that there is an outside interference,"- S. Ohanjanian said during
the conversation with us. She also excluded the circumstance of bad connection.The
point is that the company will have financial looses in case of "A1+".
First it has to stabilize the situation by its sources, second it will have to
order more expensive polling with the greatest opportunities of protection which
may cost 500$ though it also can’t be guaranteed by foreign interference and it
also can be damaged if people have such an intention. When we asked Ed. Baghdasarian
and S. Ohanjanian about the possible juridical consequences of the incident they
answered that the whole world has such problems, which don’t have any solution.
There is a department of fights against organized crimes at the RA police and
the fight against computer crimes is also included there. But it is still unknown
for us how that department can be useful in preventing the attacks against the
Internet sites of mass media and finding the hackers. Such an incident hasn’t
been recorded yet.Naira Mamikonian

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