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March 22,2008 00:00

  “Today we do not deal with a political movement, this the struggle of the whole people, society against illegal, criminal, anticonstituional regime, against despotism”,- Levon Zourabyan, the representative of Levon Ter-Petrosyan headquarters, analyzing the political situation concluded  in the National Press Club yesterday. The latter divided the pre and post electoral activities into three stages. He considers the activities before February 19 as electoral struggle, when 24 parties unified in favor of Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s victory, second stage starts from February 19 till March 1 when “numerous people who were against Ter-Petrosyan joined him because they didn’t want to recognize the rigged elections and began participating in the mass meetings”, from March 1 up to current launches the third phase of the struggle, “the regime unveiled itself shooting at its own people ant those who had rigged the elections in favor Serge Sargsyan, are ashamed of their behavior and join the struggle.” Alluding to the events I Pakistan, Levon Zourabyan says: Incase of such noisy murders, if the authorities are not guilty, they should be interested in inviting independent international investigators”. In case of Armenia, the Armenian opposition was for international investigation after March 1 incidents. Then Mr. Zourabyan concludes: “The authorities’ reaction to this idea proves once more that they are not interested in detection”. The opposition wants to investigate itself but Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s adherents  are still subjected to repressions. Anyway they collect materials and Zourabyan hopes that the clear picture of those events will be represent to the public.

“Which are the opposition’s steps in these conditions when the limits are even legalized?” In answer to this question Mr. Zourabyna said: “The people will take corresponding steps”. He also underlined the activities of NGOs: “They can pursue, detain us but the public will not tolerate it. They can’t make our country Turkmenistan”.

Country to the authorities’ announcements Levon Zourabyan also says that there has been no offer for a dialogue. After March 1 and continuous mass arrests they can’t have a dialogue with those who beat by one hand and try to talk to you by another hand: people will consider it as a treachery. Our friends, political prisoners should be set free as the first precondition of a dialogue. Mr. Zourabyan remarked the authorities’ behavior in this way: “they try to make the state of emergency everlasting”. He also added that it was a thing that nobody succeeded in the whole history of mankind.

Mr. Zourabyan is also sure that the post electoral events didn’t exert any influence on the international rating of Armenia; “The international rating of these authorities are low”. In answer to the authorities’ propaganda as if a colored revolution was being organized in Armenia Levon Zourabyan said: “The difference between Ukraine and Gerorgia events is that there was neither “Souros” financing nor the West’s interference here. It means that our democratic movement is much clearer, it is ours”.

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