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April 11,2008 00:00

  His attorneys have dictated those illegalities which have been used against Gagik Jhangiryan during his persecution.

 Gagik Jhangiryan made the following announcement yesterday: “The criminal persecution against my brother and me within the framework of famous criminal case do not deal with jurisdiction and is entirely political. During the people’s movement I could not be indifferent as an Armenian, scientist, prosecutor who worries about the future of Armenia. Instead of hiding my opinion, as a lot of people do, I have chosen the public way, being sure in the truth of my words. I have never retreated from my words and opinions. Now, no pressure or obstacle may make me change my standpoint, in particular now, when the future and fate of my country runs danger. I call to all our people, as well as those who are jailed for their political views, do not yield to any pressure, any power.

I provide my support to all political prisoners. As a lawyer, I have chosen the legal way of struggle. Though illegal criminal persecutions against me and you are political, I think, we should continue our struggle in all possible legal ways”.

Gagik Jhangiryan’s attorneys Hovhanes Galyan and Lusine Sahalyan and Vardan Jhangiryan’s attorney Vagharshak Gevorgyan have spread a large message where they have presented all those infringements which have been made after Gagik Jhagiryan’s speech in the Freedom Square on February 22.

Describing the persons who attacked on Gagik Jhangiryan and his brother, the attorneys note that they were armed and masked persons: “They surrounded Gagik Jhangiryans’ car, broke the window of the door from the driver’s side, slashed onto Vardan Jhangiryan’s face, pushed him on the ground beating and ignoring Gagik Jhangiryan’s warnings that his brother had a problem in his spinal column. According to the message none of them resisted and couldn’t resist in that situation. As a result Vardan Jhangiryan was injured, even by a gun shooting, and in that case he should be considered as a sufferer.

Gagik Jhangiryan was not set free after 72 hours: “Instead of setting him free he was given the decision “About involvement of a person as a defendant” on 27.02.2008 at 01:40. Gagik Jhangiryan wrote: “we weren’t given the necessary documents for 3 days, to be able to organize my defense”.

Gagik Jhangiryan was moved to the Court of Centre and Nork-Marash communities on February 27 at 03:35 where “judge A. Danileyan without taking into consideration the fact that Gagik Jhangiryan’s  three day term has been expired  and ignoring Gagik Jhangiriyan’s and his attorneys’ argumentations about the illegalities, discussed the petition and adopted it roughly breaking the law.” 

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