Day newsfeed

They don’t want to listen to old music

October 26,2011 10:58

Today Minister of Nature Protection Aram Harutyunyan has initiated a meeting with the group struggling against destroying the waterfall the biggest and the largest by waterflow in Armenia. Head of “Biosophia” environmental NGO of Gyumri Gevorg Petrosyan warned during a conversation with “Aravot”, “If they sing the old song again today and say we will maintain 400-500 L waterflow, the hydroelectric power plant will be repaired, we will reduce the impact on the environment, on the waterfall to a minimum – those are old tales – it will have serious consequences.” According to the environmentalist from Gyumri, in that case, not only protests will be more intense, but also they will immediately sue the Ministry of Nature Protection and the “Natural Protection Expertise” State NPO for neglecting a natural monument and the “Robshin” company that is building the hydroelectric power plant for giving a positive expert opinion.
Read Gevorg Petrosyan’s clarifications of law violations in tomorrow’s “Aravot”.

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