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Levon Zurabyan, “Nobody offered the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) to cooperate” (video)

November 30,2011 16:58

Levon Ter-Petrossian’s speech at the Armenian National Congress (ANC) rally about PAP has raised a lot of controversy. Aram Karapetyan, the leader of the New Times Party (NTP), mocked that “one day it will come out that Ter-Petrossian has proposed to cooperate with Serzh Sargsyan to make Serzh Sargsyan resign”. During a conversation with, Levon Zurabyan, the coordinator of the Armenian National Congress (ANC), advised pathetic speechmakers to read the original text of Levon Ter-Petrossian’s speech, “There are two important underlined things there; first, it is not the official position of ANC, but Ter-Petrossian’s personal opinion and second it is not a proposal, but a political analysis. There is no such proposal, nobody offered PAP to cooperate, Ter-Petrossian just presented his political position what would happen if PAP goes for cooperation in this way or another. Not to mention that he was talking about a confrontation that already exists, despite our efforts and political steps. However, if they think there is a problem in cooperating with Serzh Sargsyan or PAP, in order to take the path to democracy, it seems to me a bit absurd, because I don’t see any problem here. E.g. one may say ‘how did you think you could reach Serzh Sargsyan’s resignation through negotiating with Serzh Sargsyan?’ Very simple, because many countries have such experience.” Levon Zurabyan remembered the cases ofChili,Polandwhere the opposition, cooperating with the tyrants, relieved them of political responsibility, “If Serzh Sargsyan declined our proposal, it means that he let the opportunity of respectably leaving the political stage slip. This means that there is no possibility for us to cooperate with him from now on. We should create a situation through the people’s pressure where he will be compelled to go for negotiations to overcome that crisis. Our struggle is simple – direct pressure on the regime, taking every step to weaken the regime, including cooperation with different supporters of the regime like PAP, if there is a need.” At the end of the day, the most important thing is the establishment of democracy inArmenia, for the sake of which we are ready to go for such cooperation.


Hripsime Jebejyan


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