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Fans of System of a Down speak

December 23,2011 17:27

People in Armenia love System of a Down, the reason is not only the rock band’s glory, but also the Armenian origin of the musicians and composer, band’s soloist Serj Tankian.

System of a Down are not only loved, they are worshipped, glorified, people even live for them. The Armenian fans of System of a Down don’t fall behind the foreigners at all – they are happy about every achievement of the group, they are sad about their dissolution, celebrate the emergence of any new song or clip, are proud and boast about everything related to them. talked to a few fans of the group. It turned out that SOAD has a fan club. Vahe Shahverdyan is the president of the System of a Down fan club. Telling the history of the club establishment, Vahe mentioned that the idea was only his, “As there were fans, but there wasn’t anything uniting them, I decided to establish a SOAD fan club and website. It will contribute to the development and expansion of rock and in particular System of a Down’s songs. My goal is the Armenia’s growing in taste”, said Vahe and added that only he took care of the website costs, which he perceived as a gift to the fans of System of a Down.

“Any success of the band is the success of all Armenians, as all the members of the group are Armenians and the success of any Armenian is our success”, stressed Vahe and also informed that there was a chat on website, where people who signed up for the fan club communicate with each other.

Our interlocutor also informed that there were celebrities of the Armenian show business in the fan club, who are not only his close friends, but also love the culture of this rock band very much.

There is a surprise for the most active fans of SOAD. Vahe will give them shirts with the guys of System of a Down and the website on them, “And as a New Year gift I should tell everyone that the event we have waited for so long will take place in 2012. I will not go into detail yet, let everyone be intrigued. Be patient and expect big surprises”, added the president of the fan club.

Arshak, Tigran and Arsen are also fans of System of a Down, according to whom this band couldn’t have helped but exist. “I live listening to their music, I love them very much, support them and I cannot imagine how I had lived before listening to them”, Tigran informed

During a conversation with Arsen it was obvious how much he loved System of a Down – he was enumerating all the songs in their repertoire one after another, mentioning when they had been released, what glory they had brought to the band etc.

Arshak added how the fans celebrate the achievements of the band, what events they organize, “We gather in a club or a house of one of us. Not only three of us love System of a Down, many of our friends worship them. We sit around a table in the evening – whisky, cigarettes, System of a Down and we need nothing else, at least till the sunrise.”


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