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The Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) was also for proportional representation at the time (video)

January 20,2012 16:29

It turned out from the speeches voiced at the forum of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) and the Heritage Party on 100% proportional representation that the majority of the Armenian political stage is for that electoral system, except for the coalition RPA and Rule of Law Party (RLP).

Even Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) MP Naira Zohrabyan said in her speech that she and her fellow partisan Vardan Bostanjyan were for proportional representation, since the latter is one of the main prerequisites for building political stage, it could be also inclined from the party program that was confirmed at the forum. Naira Zohrabyan, however, doesn’t agree with Armen Rustamyan that there is a need in the society for switching to proportional representation, “The society is interested only in one global issue that the upcoming election will be held fairly and transparently, but political forces are to represent the society, which electoral system can guarantee that.” The coalition PAP members, however, don’t discuss that issue. The party position will be clarified after hearing the opinions of other members and Gagik Tsarukyan himself.

Republican Hovhannes Sahakyan did not like Naira Zohrabyan’s personal opinion. He reproved in his speech that personal opinion should not be mixed with party position, they should not forget that they are members of a party and the party interest is primary.

In response to ARF Armen Rustamyan’s confusion if there were no principle controversies on proportional representation, why the establishment didn’t want to switch to that electoral system, Koryun Nahapetyan, the RPA member elected to the National Assembly through majoritarian representation, said that the reason was the immaturity of the political stage.

As for the manner, in which Republican Hovhannes Sahakyan opposed the oppositionists’ arguments in favor of proportional representation, watch the video:

Opposing Hovhannes Sahakyan, Aram Harutyunyan, the National Accord Party leader, reminded that the RPA had been for 100% proportional representation, it had even organized rallies against the ruling Pan-Armenian National Movement (PANM) at the time. Hovhannes Sahakyan noted in regard to reminding 1995-96 parliamentary events that when “everyone became Yerkrapah”, RPA was a member of the Republic bloc.



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