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Is Prescott waiting for Jhangiryan to publish his opinion?

January 23,2012 17:37

“I promise not to write an opinion on the report, until I receive the English version of Jahngiryan’s speech”, promised John Prescott, the PACE co-rapporteur on Armenia, during a meeting with Gagik Jhangiryan, the head of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) legal committee, the topic of which was the message spread by the Special Investigation Service (SIS) on the March 1-2 events at the end of last year. Gagik Jhangiryan spoke of that during a press conference today.

“I don’t want to disappoint you. Perhaps something will change, but it is obvious that last 1837 resolution on Armenia implicitly mentioned the so-called ‘permission’ and it is still there not to uncover 10 murders”, said he.

In response to a question of one of the journalists in that instance, what about Serzh Sargsyan’s assignment given to the SIS last April, the spokesperson said that this message was just the implementation of the PACE 1837 resolution demand. They just presented a message to implement that demand, there is nothing to discuss, they haven’t done anything new. “Furthermore, basically the establishment closes the ‘March 1’ case by that”, stated Jhangiryan.



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