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Hermine Naxdalyan: “Chavushoglu even impeded my speech”

January 23,2012 23:57

Hermine Naghdalyan, a member of the PACE Bureau, who was the only member from Armenia told details of the PACE Bureau meeting that was presided by Mevlut Chavushoglu for the last time. As we have already informed, the Bureau examined Ad hoc Committee on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue Xuclà i Costa’s proposal to prolong the work of the committee for one year. Hermine Naghdalyan told that she had said in her speech during the meeting of the PACE Bureau, “I think it is absolutely unacceptable that the heads of the national delegations of Armenia and Azerbaijan are not invited to the discussion.” And proposed to delay the discussion and hold it with their participation, “Mr. Chavushoglu  tried to put forward all possible arguments, there are technical problems, we haven’t invited them and now we cannot delay, the Bureau in its current composition finishes the work, he had created that committee, therefore he had to summarize. However, I claimed that my proposal would be put to vote. And representatives of 9-10 member-states of the Bureau voted in favor, however votes were not sufficient to delay the discussion and the issue remained on the agenda.”

After that, they proceeded to the discussion of the issue in content. The chairman of the ad hoc committee on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue has made a report on the work done. “It was a very small, one-page report”, said our interlocutor. “It was biased and incomplete. It was just the descriptive part on how many meetings they have initiated, how many times they have tried to meet since 2005, but it did not succeed and also during the year 2011. The reasoning of the Armenian delegation serious in principle and in content was not represented in the report. Only the ideas that supported the prolongation of the committee work were represented.”

Hermine Naghdalyan talked after Xuclà i Costa, “I stated that there was no conceptual analysis on the positions of the sides in this report. And it couldn’t have been, since the committee did not succeed at all and it couldn’t have had.” She also reminded that the Armenian delegation proposed alternative steps to restore the trust between the sides, in particular, declaring a sort of “moratorium” on the accusatory statements against each other that our delegation continues to uphold unilaterally. Neither the Azerbaijani delegation, nor this committee on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, neither already former president of PACE Mevlut Chavushoglu, according to the Armenian delegate, responded to their initiative, “We view all this as an alarming sign, which makes us doubt the real motivations behind the reconstitution of this Ad hoc Committee.”

The Armenian delegate to the PACE Bureau thoroughly reasoned that the prolongation of the committee work for another year had no logical explanation, “Since Mr. Çavuşoğlu did not tolerate the possibility of voicing any different idea and personally impeded even my speech, constantly tried to stop my speech and deprive me of the possibility to express my opinion, I was compelled to demand very strictly that instead of  Xuclà i Costa’s proposal, our proposal that the Bureau assesses the work done by the committee insufficient, pointless and inefficient and on that basis its work is stopped was put to vote.”

After this proposal, Mr. Çavuşoğlu did not put to vote either Xuclà i Costa’s or Hermine Naghdalyan’s proposal, “Thus, we had a situation was created that the PACE Bureau discussed this issue, but it hasn’t made any decision so far. The issue of prolonging the work of the committee was suspended.”


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