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The Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) and the Armenian National Congress (ANC) vs. “the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) yoke”

January 30,2012 16:51

ANC coordinator Levon Zurabyan, answering a journalist’s question about joining the proposal of the parliamentary opposition by PAP during a press conference today, said, “If there is a situation inside the coalition, when one of the coalition offices doesn’t wish to obey anti-people, antidemocratic plans for some reason, we don’t wish to analyze the reasons yet, it creates conditions for reducing the fraud carried out by RPA already. We have already shown by our moves that we are ready to cooperate with all political forces in Armenia, including also parliamentary, the Heritage Party and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF), why not also with PAP, in order to establish a bloc against election fraud.”

According to Zurabyan, there is an unprecedented perception today that election fraud threatens our nation and its fate and the most unexpected people and forces unite around that idea, “One couldn’t imagine a better situation for us. Even the forces we have struggled against for 4 years, have started to realize the necessity of fair elections. We are ready to catch election fakers and election fraudsters red-handed.”

Talking about the upcoming mayor election in Hrazdan in this context, the ANC coordinator observed that it was the best opportunity to lay a foundation of getting rid of “RPA, the party of robbers and bandits,” “Sasun is a leading figure and is loved and acclaimed by the people, if there is no large-scale fraud, we will end this RPA yoke.”



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