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Karen Avangyan’s Response to Vahan Hovhannisyan

February 14,2012 16:46

National Assembly Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) leader Vahan Hovhannisyan has shared a few observations with the Yerkir newspaper in regard to the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) MP Karen Avagyan’s assessments of  Raffi Hovhannisian expressed yesterday, stating that in this instance we had come across an example of the most disgusting form of personal insult, when a man who isn’t inferior to the insulter by his qualities, moreover, he had played an incomparably greater part than youths like Karen Avagyan, “If you criticize the person’s political views, it is understandable, you can be sharp and severe, but when you switch to a personality and start to insult him, this is not politics anymore and therefore, I cannot perceive this part of a political process, this attitude is incomprehensible for me. I think that the elder friends of these youths who perceive themselves politicians must restrain such manifestations, because it is clear that youths usually cross limits wishing to be liked by the elders. If the elders really like it, then damn those elders and if not, they must express their thoughts at least – this is not the right way.”

Karen Avagyan, an RPA MP, responded to all this briefly during a conversation with, “It is a big honor for me, a young politician, to grab the attention of such experienced politician, former candidate for president of the Republic of Armenia Vahan Hovhannisyan. I think it is not necessary to respond to assessments of me, I give importance and am grateful for such a great attention of the elder. It wouldn’t be bad, if some young MPs of the faction led by Vahan Hovhannisyan listened to his didactic speeches once in a while.”




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