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There Is No Pressure From the EU in regard to the Armenian-Turkish and Nagorno-Karabakh Issues, Ara Nranyan Says

February 17,2012 16:39

Ara Nranyan, an Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) MP, told about his meetings with representatives of the EU in Paris, Strasbourg and Berlin from February 5 through 11 in the framework of the Politicians of the Future project at the Peoplemeter press club today. He said, “Our European colleagues clearly said that the ultimate goal of Armenia is establishing democracy and holding proper elections. They said that certainly, the Karabakh conflict should be settled, the Armenian-Turkish issue should be solved without preconditions, but if we wanted to have proper relations, we had a chance to make progress in the framework of the Eastern Partnership, we had to learn how to hold proper elections.”

According to Mr. Nranyan that call pertained to both the establishment and the opposition, because the European Union will supervise both the establishment and the opposition and will not accept any provocation from both of them, “If we hold a proper election, we will be able to sign an association agreement, as well as a treaty on free trade with the European countries.”

According to Ara Nranyan, some oppositionists claimed in the past that unless the Karabakh conflict was settled, we would not have any prospects, the establishment said that unless the border was opened, the civilized world would not accept us, whereas during the European meetings that thesis was refuted, “The world expects that we will form a civil society, hold such elections that will be acceptable for the opposition and establishment. Simply speaking, the establishment has taken on a task to maintain those 20 seats, which they don’t want to give up and want to keep the whole power. So, there are real prospects of having proper relations and take a path of European integration. On the other hand, it is an issue of a few seats.”

The MP assures that proper National Assembly and presidential elections are our chances for European integration, otherwise, we will fall ten years or more behind.



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