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Zurabyan Personally Preservs the Purity of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) Heart, Mind and Spirit (Video)

February 20,2012 16:20

Ashot Manucharyan said to that the ANC has potential to stir up the people, but it is important how pure the idea guiding to a rally is, i.e. the purity of the ANC heart, mind and spirit. Today we inquired from ANC coordinator Levon Zurabyan what the guarantee that the heart and spirit of the ANC was pure was. Levon Zurabyan responded that he agreed with Manucharyan and he preserved the purity of the ANC mind and spirit every day, “The only guarantee is our decisiveness to preserve the heart and spirit, as well as the belief of the people. When the people follow someone for 4 years, he bears special responsibility. You can state that the ANC heart and spirit are pure. We can only speak of our decisiveness to preserve our heart and spirit pure.”

In response to a question whether there was lack of trust in the ANC, he said, “If there is a way to check, that way was the Hrazdan election. And even if the Congress won 47% under those conditions of election fraud, bribery and terror, it means that our electorate has been growing dramatically.”

Mr. Zurabyan did not reveal what would take place at the ANC rally. In response to our question whether abrupt, acute actions were expected, whether they would be spontaneous that day, if there were such, he answered, “Come to the rally on March 1 and you will see yourself that we have to come to a rally with a clear agenda. I am convinced that it will be the agenda that will encourage the people, encourage them to win serious victories.”



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