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Artur Sakunts vs. Chief of Police of the Republic of Armenia Vova Gasparyan

February 20,2012 17:01

 First preliminary session of the trial court of the Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts presided by Judge Aleksan Sukoyan took place today. The petitioner was the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor (HCAV) Office human rights organization with its representatives and chairman Artur Sakunts and member of the Bar Association of the Republic of Armenia Vahe Grigoryan. The defendant was chief of police of the Republic of Armenia Vova Gasparyan, whose representative was member of the Bar Association of the Republic of Armenia Ara Zohrabyan.

The petitioner argued that the chief of police of the Republic of Armenia discredited the honor, dignity and business reputation of the HCAV in Hraparak (square) newspaper and Zinuzh (military force) TV show and demanded a denial and compensation in the amount of 10 AMD.

The petitioner made an addition to the petition, stating, in particular, that the defendant had clarified in an interview with that he meant exactly the petitioner and the organization. “The defendant deliberately doubted the human rights activities carried out by the organization. The defendant talked about that in his speeches directly, without naming anyone, but it is clear from his speech who he was talking about. He also insulted all active and bold representatives of the civil society who raised the issue of illegalities, the issue of the number of deaths in the army and their punishment that is one of burning issues in the society,” Vahe Grigoryan said, but counselor Ara Zohrabyan observed that Vahe Grigoryan did not present the subject of the petition, only its content. Vahe Grigoryan presented the grounds for the petition – Article 3, Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and articles of the Civil Code.

The next preliminary session is scheduled for 3 am, March 12.


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