Day newsfeed

Do Cars of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Have Immunity?

February 29,2012 13:42

 Yesterday when the issue of switching to 100% proportional representation was being discussed in the National Assembly, outside the National Assembly, on Baghramyan Street, parliamentary and non-parliamentary forces were protesting. At that very time, photojournalist Gagik Shamshyan photographed drivers of Mercedes G500 and another car with 005 ՕՕ 05 and 029 ՕՕ 11 license plates respectively driving unbuckled and the cars lacked APPA (mandatory insurance) and vehicle inspection coupons. When the photojournalist was photographing the mentioned cars, the persons who were sitting in the Mercedes G500 got annoyed, “Don’t you know whose cars these are? Why are you shooting?” After which a person approached Shamshyan and explained whose car that was, “What right do you have to shoot, the owners of these cars are Republicans.” Seeing that he cannot convince, he through the cigarette he was holding in his hand at Shamshyan and cursed him. Police officers and citizens who were there were able to restrain his aggression. Later on, it turned out that the car with 029 ՕՕ 11 license plate was registered in the automobile books of the National Assembly and served the RPA member Arkadi Hambardzumyan. And Mercedes G500 was registered in the books of Tnashin-Ashot LLC in the region of Armavir. We were informed that the car owner was RPA MP Nahapet Gevorgyan from Armavir.


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