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Styopa Safaryan About “Serzh Sargsyan’s Sunrise” and Other Natural Phenomena (Video)

March 05,2012 15:22

Yesterday’s rally of the Armenian Eagles raised the concerns of  Styopa Safaryan, the Heritage faction leader, not only from the psychological perspective, but also in general. inquired whether Mr. Safaryan shared the idea that Serzh Sargsyan was the sunrise and Levon Ter-Petrossian was the sunset and in that instance, what phenomenon Robert Kocharyan was, “I don’t know which one is the sunset and which one is the sunrise, because they deprived our people both of sunrise and sunset by those stupid things long ago, therefore, it is just ridiculous.”

As for yesterday’s rally of “eagles,” according to Styopa Safaryan’s comment, “Frankly speaking, it is hard for me to imagine such psychoses and meaningless actions in this progressive century organized against just one statement, which can be appealed through articles, press conferences and not bringing the youth from different regions of the republic. However much we make jokes and speak on social networks, the phenomenon raises concerns, because we can face serious facts after adopting these basically fascist elements and Hitler’s gestures. The silence of the Republican Party in this regard is surprising for me. It is visible that the war of rallies as a means of showing off muscles has started again. The establishment may be so irrational as to respond to the opposition rallies with organizing its own rallies. This is funny and dangerous, because we had such developments in 2008 and we saw how they ended. Even more so, when the rhetoric of hatred dominates in those rallies. In this instance, it is incomprehensive for me why the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) is silent in this regard.” In response to our question whether he didn’t think that the RPA had supported them, Mr. Safaryan said, “It is obvious that they like it when someone on the political stage supports them and their president. However, since it is not a serious thing – we deal with rather staged performances and not real support –this should cause the RPA think seriously. In this instance, this is an unserious performance, which can have serious outcomes in the sense of general atmosphere and future developments in the country. ”



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