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“The Most Important Thing Is That Russia Is Stable,” Kiro Manoyan Says

March 05,2012 17:38

During a conversation with, Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Bureau Hay Dat and political issues office manager Kiro Manoyan said that the election of Vladimir Putin would not influence either the internal or external policy of Armenia. It also concerns the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement negotiation process. “I think that nothing in particular will change in the Russian attitude. Perhaps there will be a change in the president’s work style, but basically it will not bring about any change,” said Kiro Manoyan, answering our question whether one should expect that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement would become more active during Putin’s presidency.

“I don’t think that Putin’s election will have any impact on the Armenian internal political processes either. It will not have any connection at all. Russia remains a strategic partner of Armenia and the other way around. Perhaps, again, the president’s style will bring about some change, but there will be no big changes in this sense either,” stated the representative of the ARF Bureau.

Responding to our question, Mr. Manoyan said that we, Armenians, had no reason for being either happy or concerned about Putin’s election. According to him, “The most important thing is that Russia is stable, in order that we can maintain normal relations with our strategic ally.” Will Putin’s election guarantee stability in Russia? “As for today, it seems yes, but at the end of the day, it is hard to say what will happen,” Kiro Manoyan responded to our additional question.





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