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If the City Hall Doesn’t Dismantle, the Activists Will Do It (Video)

March 13,2012 16:04

The Fair and Independent Civil Court heard the case of protecting the public territory and property of Mashtots Park today.

The activists fighting for dismantlement of booths in the park initiated the trial and had informed the City Hall about the trial in due time, but the defense did not appear.

The petitioner intends to make the City Hall dismantle booths in the park. According to their arguments, the decision to set up booths was made in violation of the urban development act.

According to the petitioner’s counselor Sona Ayvazyan, besides violating the urban development act, the City Hall had not also informed the public about the decision to move the booths on Abovyan St. to the park – they had learned about that only at the moment of setting them up, “The decision of the mayor of Yerevan has not been given so far, we don’t know based on which decision Kentron Kanachapatum company, which, according to the City Hall, has the right to construct on this territory, based on which document they are going to do that – they haven’t given us those documents yet.” S. Ayvazyan also said that legality of the mayor’s decision had not been determined yet either, “Representatives of Yerevan City Hall came here and they couldn’t explain that this construction was legal.”

P.S. We have just gotten the following message from Asparez Club’s address, “We have put up a tent to start a sit-down strike, which, according to the Constitution, is legal and doesn’t violate any law, however, we were confronted by the police officers. They claim that we don’t have the right to put up tents and if we want to put them up, we have to get the consent of local authorities – we have encircled the tent at the moment, so that they cannot touch it. The police officers urge us to remove the tent, but we are not going to give up. The park is full of police officers, their number gradually increases.”



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