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The Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Calls for Politeness

March 19,2012 17:59

Naira Zohrabyan, a PAP MP, talked about the speeches of the 6th PAP congress that had become a subject of speculations during a conversation with today and said that she would not comment on impolite statements, “I should once again call on different figures that have been wasting their whole time on various social websites and have been making impolite assessments to be polite. We stick to politeness.” As for the notion that the PAP criticized itself through criticique voiced in the speeches made during the congress, Mrs. Zohrabyan did not agree, “At the congress, concerns about the multiple challenges facing Armenia were expressed. It was talked about issues that need an urgent and systemic solution as soon as possible. We could avoid speaking about, for example, emigration – I assure you the emigration rate would not have decreased through that. Our party leader could avoid speaking about the condition of small and medium enterprises – those problems would not have been solved through that.”

Ms. Zohrabyan said that the PAP had done everything in its power during the past years, “It will continue doing everything it can in the future too.”




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