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“You Think Mr. Avagyan Has Nothing to Do Other Than Talking to Journalists,” the Representative of the United Armenians Says

March 27,2012 15:38

The United Armenians Party has also registered for the parliamentary election on May 6 – its name, not to mention, its activities are not known to many people. The only information about the mentioned party’s pre-election activities is that the party has made public a list of 26 candidates for proportional representation. The leader of the party and the chairman of its political council is PhD in Law Professor Ruben Avagyan, an academic of the International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature Protection Sciences and an academic of the All-Armenian Academy on National Security.

Parties that have registered for the parliamentary election don’t spare effort in the pre-election period to present themselves to the public. One does it handing out bribe under the cover of charity, the other hands out postcards, jams and perfume to women to win their hearts and votes etc. However, the voter has not heard a single public word from the United Armenians Party. Therefore, tried to find out from the party what they were doing now, whether they were going to be engaged in the campaign and generally what their place on the political scene was – whether they were opposition, third force etc.

We found out that this party published United Armenians newspaper. We “discovered” from the website of the newspaper the only phone number connecting to the party. That was the number of the website administrator. We contacted him, in order to get contact information about R. Avagyan. Mr. Avagyan didn’t answer us. When after hours of efforts to contact R. Avagyan, we contacted the administrator again, he said to us the following in quite a mocking tone, “You think Mr. Avagyan has nothing to do other than talking to newspapers, journalists. You write your questions and send and we will answer them, it is common in the civilized world. After all, what questions can you have? Everything is written in our newspaper.”

Familiarizing himself with the newspaper, one can read some political publications. In particular, in one of them the United Armenians Party, talking about the policy pursued by Gagik Tsarukyan and Vartan Oskanian, wrote, “Mr. Tsarukyan, Mr. Oskanian, you are talking nonsense.” In another publication, the amendments to the Electoral Code are criticized and they are represented as limitations on establishing a third, alternative force. The newspaper wrote, “Double citizens of the Republic of Armenia, citizens of the Republic of Armenia that have gone abroad given circumstances and unwillingly could exercise their right to vote in the polling stations opened in embassies and consulates, according to the previous legislation. Basically, in a democratic country a big mass of voters has been deprived of their constitutional right to vote. That’s not all – where should a party find an 8-million-AMD electoral deposit in this poor and needy country? Who is it for? Is there any need for explanation? Where is the common, equal and direct right to vote?”



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