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“The Choristers of the Establishment Have Started to Sing,” Petros Makeyan Says (Recording)

March 30,2012 15:28

Garnik Isagulyan, President Serzh Sargsyan’s permanent representative in the National Assembly, responding to the questions of journalists today, namely what he thought about the fact that people who had previously criticized the president of the country were on the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) list, advised to recall the speeches of first president Levon Ter-Petrossian and called for not perceiving critique as enmity, “Remember how Ter-Petrossian transformed during the dialogue, now he has switched to strict criticism again. Those are normal things.”

Garnik Isagulyan also expressed an opinion that there would be post-election developments after the parliamentary election, because, according to him, the attitude of the opposition did not aim at merely participating in the election, “It isn’t ruled out that the opposition will use the post-election period for a revolution and a snap presidential election.”

Petros Makeyan, a member of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) said to about possible post-election developments that if the election was conducted in the same classic way, the opposition would direct the society and the processes would go in that way, “Post-election developments usually take place in countries, where the society clearly realizes that the election is rigged… Today it is visible from the lists made public by the Armenian establishment during the past three days that they have a real intention to rig the election. The establishment still has a month left not to cause post-election developments.”

As for the statement of the President’s permanent representative in the National Assembly about Ter-Petrossian’s transformation, Mr. Makeyan found that an unserious comparison, “It is the establishment’s propaganda machine as if the ANC has changed its approach, its rhetoric. When the establishment needs, its choristers start to sing, regardless of the reality.”




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