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Karapet Rubinyan Is Disappointed With All Parties

April 02,2012 15:50

“My previous experience disappointed me with all Armenian parties. There is no party with the qualities I would like it to have for me to become a member,” Karapet Rubinyan, the former deputy speaker of the National Assembly, said during a conversation with today, in response to our question why he, being included in the list of the Heritage Party for proportional representation, nonetheless, didn’t want to become a member of any party.

In response to our observation that he had always avoided explaining why he had remained non-partisan, saying “we will talk about this at the next class,” Mr. Rubinyan said, “I was kidding, I don’t want to become a party member for a very simple reason, because there is no such party, as I think it should be.”

Members that have left the Armenian National Congress (ANC) assure that the ANC is guided by mafia rules – if you enter, you cannot leave anymore. Therefore, we inquired from Mr. Rubinyan whether he was afraid and managing to leave the Pan-Armenian National Movement (PANM) at last, he was afraid to enter any party. He responded, “No, I am not afraid of that. If there is a party in Armenia that will start to give lessons to the political scene and the society with its internal democracy, I will necessarily become a member of that party and my only condition is that it will be mine also ideologically – i.e. liberal.”




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