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An “Illegal Headquarters-Country House” of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA)

April 06,2012 16:57


This former market in the photo as its owner said “is an illegal headquarters.” Noticing the flag of the Republic of Armenia and the flag of the Republican Party on the market, inquired whether that object was an RPA headquarters. The market owner who introduced himself as Sevak responded in the following manner, “In a nutshell, this is an illegal headquarters and nothing else. This is our neighborhood, this is my country house, this is where my acquaintances, my friends and I gather and speak of good things and discuss some stuff. This is not a legal headquarters.”

In response to our question why he had hoisted the flag of the Republican Party, Sevak assured that he was an adherent of the Republican Party ideas and only Republican Party supporters gathered in his “illegal headquarters.”

In this country house- headquarters as we witnessed they “did pre-election charity” too. During our conversation a retired old man approached “manager of headquarters” Sevak, saying that he

had problems with health and asked for help. The RPA fan invited the old man inside to speak in detail and was ready to help.

The adherent of the RPA ideology admitted proudly during a conversation with us that the flags of the RPA and the Republic of Armenia flied over that “illegal” headquarters all year round.

This poster of the RPA was displayed on a building in Arshakunyats St. However much we tried to find a sort of headquarters in the vicinity, we didn’t manage. Even the residents of the neighborhood didn’t know where the headquarters would be. This poster of the Republicans was displayed over a shoemaker’s booth.


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