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“Not Everyone Must Be Able to Sneak into the Army, to Reveal the Drawbacks and Shortcomings and Moreover…” a Candidate for the Chief of Military Police

April 07,2012 16:37

Grisha Sargsyan, the head of the Glorious Warriors NGO, the former chief of the Armavir garrison of the Military Police and according to the information of, possible candidate for the Chief of Military Police (aka “Zharit” /fryer/), did not deny during a conversation with us the news about his candidacy for that office, but also added, “The president of the country, our commander-in-chief, decides. I am soldier of the nation – as he says. I have higher juridical education – I graduated from the Law Academy – I have 30-year experience of working in the system, but I will do as the president decides. Anyway, whoever takes that office, in order that the army is powerful, he should be a powerful guy who will be able both to increase the role of the military police and to keep the army powerful.”

Talking about the other two possible candidacies for the office of Chief of Military Police – Colonel Yura Gharibyan, the current deputy chief of the military police department and Hovhannes Vardanyan, a former official at the military police department, aka “Leader” – Grisha Sargsyan said, “All of them are good candidacies and Yura Gharibyan who really has a big experience was engaged in military combats and Hovhannes also who knows that system quite well and can revive that system. I cannot say right now who has leaked that information, but it is appropriate. All candidates are worthy.”

We also asked possible candidate for the Chief of Military Police Sargsyan about the situation in the army, killings taking place in military bases or on the frontline and other negative phenomena. “The army is a military secret, one mustn’t reveal drawbacks and shortcomings of the army to the society. The army mustn’t be open, because it is the army and it has military secrets. I am sorry that the army has been opened to the society so far – it is like an ordinary NGO. The army mustn’t open its doors, in order that everyone can sneak into the army and fix something, reveal drawbacks and shortcomings and moreover…” stated “Zharit Grish.”

But members, sons of our society serve in that army, don’t they? In response to this question, he said annoyed, “Yes, they are our children, but the army is a closed institution, they shouldn’t have revealed it so much that they cannot prevent it now. Remember the Soviet times – they brought hundreds of corpses from military bases and Afghanistan, corpses of our children, our kids. Why the Soviet Union didn’t reveal the army to the society? I repeat, the army has military secrets and it should be closed for the society, it carries out special tasks and protects the state from foreign intrusions.”

But will the state itself benefit from keeping it closed? “The army, my dear, must be powerful and must be closed, there must be discipline in the army, our children’s lives and security must be guaranteed in the army,” said our interlocutor and in response to our question why it was not guaranteed, he added, “It is a different matter.”


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