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Will the Relations Between the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) and the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Worsen Because of Vardan Bostanjyan? (Video)

April 09,2012 20:06

“Vardan Bostanjyan can find out whether a certain position is correct or not. In this case, Bostanjyan found out that the position of the ARF is in line with his perceptions, about which he has talked about many times in the parliament. Sympathy has always been there. I am very happy that Mr. Bostanjyan said about that publicly today. He expressed his warm support for the ARF on the second day of the election campaign,” Artvik Minasyan, an ARF MP, said during a conversation with, in response to our question whether Vardan Bostanjyan’s statement had been a surprise for him.

We also tried to get clarifications whether it was possible that their relations with the PAP would worsen, he responded, “We don’t have any such wish or inclination to improve or worsen relations with anyone. Our ultimate goal is to unite and mobilize and if such a famous man as Bostanjyan expresses positive attitude, we are sure that many people will follow him.”

In response to a question whether the ARF was ready to include Vardan Bostanjyan in its ranks, Mr. Minasyan said that it was not necessary for him to be an ARF member, “One of our biggest achievements is a big mass of our supporters – i.e. the ARF has approximately 6-7 thousand members, but it is supported by 180 thousand citizens. This means that our strength is our supporters. The important thing is for him to share our ideology, to accept it and to be ready to be involved in implementation of our projects under that ideology.”


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