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“We Are Committed to the Election,” the Chief of Police Says (Video)

April 13,2012 11:21


 The measures taken to solve the issues concerning the authority of the police during the electoral process were on the agenda of the discussion In the Run-up to the Election. During the meeting with participation of the representatives of the OSCE Yerevan Office, the European Union and parties, Chief of Police Vladimir Gasparyan said that he had already given instructions to be consistent toward violations of the law, “I am personally responsible for every alert – from Meghri to Tavush – in case of an illegal act, I am personally responsible for revealing and preventing it. I expect that during our future meetings we will look each other in the eye and no one will look away. We are committed to our work, we are committed to the election, we will prevent all things that will impede the normal process of the election.”


The Chief of Police also told the people present that a special headquarters had been established that would quickly respond to alerts, “The clarification of the lists is in progress and we will be able to report before the election that the voting lists are in proper condition, not ruling out individual cases. This will be a unique exam for both the police and myself and I am not going to be in the status of a lazy man during exams.”

Later on, the Chief of Police of the Republic of Armenia underlined that everything was understood above, “But when a question of personal interest arises below, in the electoral districts, certainly, there will be people who will do us a bad turn… The police will be a cold shower for every adventurer.”

Arphine Simonyan

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