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“I Don’t Think That They Would Break Anyone’s Nose, if He Didn’t Poke It Anywhere?” Says the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Deputy Chairman

April 16,2012 16:03

Although all websites have alerted to the incident that took place during Armenian National Congress (ANC) representative Nikol Pashinyan’s meeting in the community of Malatia-Sebastia since yesterday, the candidate himself reported to the police, Galust Sahakyan, the deputy chairman of the RPA, said that he was not aware of the incident.

Let us remind that the candidates nominated for majoritarian representation in no. 7 electoral district are famous businessman Samvel Alexanyan from the RPA and editor-in-chief of Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper Nikol Pashinyan from the ANC. Yesterday women supporting Alexanyan tried to impede Pashinyan’s meeting and later on, at around 7 p.m. Babken Garoyan, a candidate for MP who is in 77th place of the opposition Armenian National Congress list for proportional representation, was brutally beaten up in South-Western Neighborhood. According to the testimonies of witnesses, the attackers were relatives of Samvel Alexanyan, a Republican candidate nominated in no. 7 electoral district. tried to get a comment from prominent RPA member Galust Sahakyan in this regard. We present the whole conversation with him:

* I don’t have any information. What is the problem?

* During Nikol’s meeting women supporting Alexanyan attacked him and pulled him about…

* But is it written in their passports that they are Alexanyan’s supporters?

* They said that they were Alexanyan’s supporters.

* If people are inclined to vote, it doesn’t mean that they are supporters.

* Inclination is inclination, but they attacked a candidate…

* It seems to me that there will be many such things in the future. It is a specific signature that they have tried to use in their interest during these years.

* So, you hint that Nikol organized that?

* I hint that basically, perhaps nothing happened in that way. This is an election; one can be successful in one place and unsuccessful in another. We also go here and there, there

are some conversations somewhere, there may be such incidents, but certainly it isn’t in our taste to make them such a subject of propaganda.

* However, they haven’t broken the noses of RPA supporters anywhere.

* What? They have been rallying for four years, they have been saying whatever they like, what broken noses are you talking about?

* I mean they haven’t inflicted physical damage?

* Have they broken Nikol Pashinyan’s nose?

* No, one of the ANC supporters.

* I cannot comment on that, you are making assumptions. (Sahakyan chuckles – N.G.)

* Those are not assumptions; people have also reported to the police.

* I don’t know what happened, what the reason was. I don’t think that they would break anyone’s nose, if he didn’t poke it anywhere. Therefore, there must be a full description, in order that I may make an assessment.



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