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“The School Had Had Classes for Two Hours, Everyone Was Intimidated and Brought Here,” a Teacher Says About Serzh Sargsyan’s Rally

April 17,2012 01:05

One of the teachers of No. 2 school of Masis, Emma Tangyan, was in the forefront of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) rally and was not afraid to appear in front of cameras, “I demand justice, let us not vote for this regime, even if they fire me, it doesn’t matter for me,” she said during a conversation with

In response to our question whether they had tried to Republicanize her, the teacher said, “No, they cannot do that to me, if they try, I have a place to go to. I am literate, I can give information to newspapers. Let them fire me. I have been working at school for 53 years. They cannot put me under pressure, because they know me, now can they? Let a literate man govern us, child.”

She is convinced that the ANC has an electorate in Masis, however much the government prevents them to come to the ANC rallies in Yerevan, nonetheless, they take cabs and come, “How do police officers say that there is no such thing? They have always closed the roads, I have always come by taxi. Why would I lie? I have got one job, let it be theirs, they will not

digest it. Don’t you see there is no one at the rally, because the head of the tax department goes from market-to-market, so what can one say? They also hand out money.” The woman assures that they had intimidated people before the rally. Moreover, the school teacher told what they had done on the day of Serzh Sargsyan’s visit to Masis, “The school had had classes for two hours on that day, they intimidated everyone and brought here. And why didn’t they close schools today? The half was children and the teachers came fearfully, in order that they may not be fired.”


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