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“The Heritage Party Doesn’t Participate in Establishing Kocharyan’s Campaign Headquarters,” Styopa Safaryan

April 19,2012 15:59

Today inquired from Styopa Safaryan, the Heritage Party parliamentary group leader, whether the Heritage Party had shown too much ambition in the joint staff; if you wanted to unite around one issue, what the demands made by the Heritage Party alone meant, he responded, “If everyone says the same thing, it doesn’t mean that everyone says the right thing. If members of the joint staff think that there will be a relationship between small and big parties in that staff and the ‘small’ parties don’t have the right to say anything… Gagik Tsarukyan said, ‘The Heritage Party is small to make a demand.’ If one thinks that there must be a relationship between small and big parties, if one say something, the rest must do that for him, if one thinks that if they criticize this and that, everyone else must criticize too, in that instance,

the Heritage Party has nothing to do there, let them force, coerce each other as much as they like, but without us.” In response to our observation whether it didn’t mean that the news that the Heritage Party was a mine of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) planted in the joint staff was confirmed, Mr. Safaryan said, “It confirmed the news that basically the Heritage Party doesn’t participate in establishing Robert Kocharyan’s campaign headquarters. I definitely think so, because Hmayak Hovhannisyan’s and Vartan Oskanian’s interviews, Ter-Petrossian’s statements not criticizing them definitely testify that the staff is not related to the election, but to Robert Kocharyan. This is what they want from the election – let the Heritage Party guarantee the votes that they have won out of polling stations by unfair means. I.e. it is related to the election to that extent. Fine, let them do charity, let them buy votes, let them buy people, let them enter houses and say that the Heritage Party is with the establishment.”


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