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“The Heritage Party Is Lost in the Net of the Unrespectable Game”

April 19,2012 17:23

“I think that no political force can help the Heritage Party in any way anymore. If the given political force has chosen that policy, that strategy, I think that the real motivations of its political attitude are visible directly and unambiguously to the society. I don’t doubt it for a moment that on May 6 the society will make the right assessment of that force by its vote,”

Naira Zohrabyan, a member of the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) political council, commented on the “rejection” of the Heritage Party during a conversation with Let us remind that Styopa Safaryan, the opposition Heritage Party parliamentary group leader, stated today that they had decided to work separately on conducting a free and fair election. Thus, the Heritage Party has left the work of the joint staff supervising the election’s lawfulness in the format of cooperation between the Armenian National Congress (ANC), the Prosperous Armenia Party and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF). Safaryan also said that the joint staff gradually became the campaign headquarters of the second President of Armenia, Robert Kocharyan.

“The initiative of the four aims at ensuring the free and fair process of the election. After attempts to disrupt on its own initiative or much more probably imposed on it, the Heritage Party has made a rather unpleasant impression on the society. It seemed that the Heritage Party would try to be rational, in order to fix this sad situation, at least now and the Heritage Party representatives would not try to worsen their already poor and funny condition by ridiculous statements,” added Ms. Zohrabyan. In response to a question of whether the “rejection” of the Heritage Party revealed the cooperation between the Heritage Party and the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), for which the Heritage Party had been blamed recently, our interlocutor said, “It is obvious that the Heritage Party is lost in the net of either its respectable game or the respectable game that has been imposed on it. If they don’t care for their political reputation and rating and they like to use some absurd political argumentations to explain that they avoid very important and serious cooperation, it is their problem.”


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