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They Impeded the Armenian National Congress (ANC) Rally

April 20,2012 19:29

The rally of the ANC in Freedom Square started half an hour late today. The reason was that they didn’t allow installing the equipment on the stage, using electricity etc. They didn’t even allow putting speakers on the stage, in order to provide sound.

The first speech was made by Gayane Arustamyan who is nominated in no. 1 electoral district. In her words, “People flee Armenia and those who don’t flee, wither morally and physically, 40-45-year-old people die awake. I was in a dormitory of the Second Masiv yesterday and I am telling you that the happiest moment for those people was, when they had been handed out unlabeled, expired eggs. Khachik Asryan can witness that Serzh Sargsyan’s policy is Hitler’s policy.”

In Vahan Vardapetyan’s words, “Every motto of the ruling administration can be perceived in the opposite way – they say ‘Go Armenia,’ Armenia empties, a romantic motto ‘I love you,’ but one doesn’t love, but hates in this manner. He stated that there would be no oligarchs in the National Assembly, however, they go from neighborhood to neighborhood and ask to give votes exceptionally for oligarchs. Now, believe!”


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