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Residents of the Border Region Learned From Serzh Sargsyan That They Lived the Best in the Republic

April 23,2012 11:57

On April 21, during a pre-election meeting in the town of Ayrum, President Serzh Sargsyan, talking about the projects implemented in the region of Tavush by the government and the issue of poverty, stated, “The level of poverty in Tavush is lower than in other regions of the republic and also in Yerevan.” The president probably made that conclusion based on the data of the National Statistical Service.

Let us mention that 46 out of 62 communities of the region of Tavush have a status of a border community. The social conditions are particularly hard in the distant settlements bordering on Azerbaijan. There is no big industrial company in the region, half of the arable land is not cultivated. There are no agricultural markets in Tavush to realize the harvest, the market of Yerevan is too far, there are no warehouses for agricultural goods, except for tobacco leaves and grapes. The emigration from the settlements of Tavush to Yerevan and abroad continues. If the level of poverty in Tavush is lower than that of Yerevan, then why do they move from Tavush to Yerevan and not the other way around?



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