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“Our Political Rivals Will Not Succeed in Clouding the Election,” Armen Ashotyan Says

May 06,2012 15:21

In response to the exaggerated news spread by some political forces on violations planned in advance, which mainly doesn’t correspond to the reality, I must say that my inner conviction is and according to certain information, not large-scale violations, but special scenarios to cloud the election process have been prepared by some political forces in the joint staff,” Armen Ashotyan, a candidate for MP included in the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) list for proportional representation, said to, adding that the most part of the information spread had been planned in advance, a few days before the election.

Armen Ashotyan assures, “No one will succeed in clouding the parliamentary election that was held according to the Electoral Code and their quality cannot be blackened by anti-propaganda tricks planned in advance, which are used by our political rivals.”


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