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Alerts and electoral violation facts received from the election control group of the “Heritage” headquarters at 15:00 in 06.05.2012

May 06,2012 18:57


  • The early volatile ink was not let to be changed in the 1/11 polling station at 11:15. This was informed from the very precinct by the “Heritage” party representative SedaSafaryan.
  •  “Heritage” party member Susanna Barkhudaryan voting in 5/12 polling station reported that the number of the people in the center of the precinct place exceeds the number allowed by law and makes over 31 people. A protocol is drawn up and signed by the secretary.
  •  “Heritage” party member AnahitBakhshyan received an alert that in 32/23 polling station an open voting was implemented for the RPA candidate Karen Karapetyan.
  • According to the 14/14 precinct committee chairman EpraqsyaMatevosyan the head of Karbi community Frunze Nazaretyan being a proxy person at the same time, has entered the precinct place with the badge of the Republican Party and has refused to take it off as a way of agitation. “Heritage” Party member AnahitBakhshyanhas called RA General Prosecutor’s Office in connection with this and informed prosecutor KoryunPiloyan about the case.
    • There have been accumulations /Kharberd/ in 12/37 and 12/34 polling stations in the morning. Near the precinct a woman named Marine has been campaigning to vote for the 4th candidate of the majority list and for the 7rd candidate of the proportional list of RP. According to the “Heritage” party representative AnahitBakhshyan the Heritage proxy person has the recorded video.
    • According to the information got to AnahitBakhshyan electoral bribes are given in one of the entrances of the building near N 160 School in Erebuni. The same is done behind the gas station wall near the 12/09 polling station located in ArtashisyanStreet.
    • At 12:50 the proxy  person of the “Heritage” party VarduhiOhanyan alerted that a woman in 6/12 polling station (v. Ohanyan has recorded the video) was bringing groups of voters to the polling station going in and out the precinct place though being already voted in the morning. The same person intimidated one of the voters in front of the proxy person who was then in the voting booth. The proxy person has enlisted the very case but the commission chairman who represents the ARF party and the commission secretaryhave not yet registered the protocol. In the polling station and nearby has not been any representative of the police. “Heritage” headquarters has alerted the police hotline about that at 13:00 but any policeman has not arrived to the polling station till 15:00.
    • There were accumulations in the 14/1 and 14/2 polling station in the region of Aragacotn at 12:20 and the representatives of the police could not establish an order. AnahitBakhshyan was informed about that by the “Heritage” representatives.
    • “Heritage” proxy person SamvelHayrapetyan reported that the proportional and majority voting boxes have not been sealed in the 38/08 electoral place till 10:00. The commission members reasoned that they have not noticed that. There have already been ballots in the boxes before being sealed.
    • ZaruhiPostanjyan has alerted that in the 4/12 polling station about 600 rural votershave been recorded who have received temporary registration in the houses in Arabkir community by the data of April 14 without having the agreement of the owners of those houses.
    • The chairman of the “Heritage” commission Daniel Ioannisyan has alerted that in the  06/16 polling station the proxy persons of the RPA party and the majority candidate RoubenHovsepyan several times have exceeded the allowed number (they have been more than one). This has been recordedby the signature of 5 members of the commission included the signature of the chairman and this has been registered.
    • By the data of 15:00 o’clock many of the chairmen of the polling stations denied to change the early volatile ink of the stamps by common ink.
    • There are alerts from a number of polling stations about the elections with pens of different color which can make controllable the choice of the citizens’ violating the secrecy of the vote.


Election control group of the “Heritage” Campaign Headquarters

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