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Armenian elections competitive and largely peaceful, but shortcomings undermined confidence in the process, observers say

May 07,2012 14:20

Sunday’s parliamentary elections in Armenia   featured a vibrant and largely peaceful campaign, with overall balanced media   coverage, but pressure on voters and a deficient complaints process created   an unequal playing field, the international election observers said today.

Observers noted a campaign environment that generally respected freedoms of   assembly and expression and candidates were, for the most part, able to   campaign freely. But the general lack of confidence in the integrity of the
process amongst political parties and the general public is an issue of great   concern.

The elections were held under a new Electoral Code that provided a sound   legal framework for conducting democratic elections, but stakeholders failed   to implement important aspects of the new law and the manner in which
complaints were dealt with undermined the right to effective legal redress.

“Armenia deserves recognition for its electoral reforms and its open and   peaceful campaign environment but, in this race, several stakeholders too   often failed to comply with the law and election commissions too often failed
to enforce it,” said Francois-Xavier de Donnea, the Special Co-ordinator to   lead the short-term OSCE observer mission and the Head of the OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly delegation. “As a result, the international   commitments to which Armenia has freely subscribed were not always   respected.”

The process of candidate registration was inclusive overall. Despite improved   legislation with regard to voter registration, observers said, that the   accuracy of the voter lists and their potential misuse for electoral fraud
added to the lack of confidence in the process.

“The high turnout of over 60 per cent, the wide age range among voters, and   the clear understanding of the electoral process by young and old alike were   impressive, but reports of widespread interference with the running of
pollings stations, voters’ movement and casting of votes throughout the day   by certain political parties raised serious concerns,” said Baroness   Nicholson of Winterbourne, the Head of the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe delegation. “The authorities must address this   unacceptable behaviour before the presidential election next year.”

“I cannot stress enough how important it is to see these elections and our   preliminary findings in the broader context and as the beginning of the   process, not the end,” said Krzysztof Lisek, the Head of the European
Parliament delegation. “Our preliminary conclusions today and the final   recommendations of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human   Rights, once they are published, should be taken as the goal to achieve in
view of the upcoming presidential election.”

Election day was generally calm and peaceful, but marked by organizational   problems and undue interference in the process, mostly by party
representatives, the observers noted.

“The election campaign was open and respected fundamental freedoms, and the   media offered broad and balanced coverage during the official campaign   period,” said Radmila Šekerinska, the Head of the Election Observation
Mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.
“Unfortunately, this was overshadowed by concerns over the accuracy of   voter lists and violations of the Electoral Code that created an unequal   playing field.”

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