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Serzh Sargsyan at the Party Organized by Manvel Grigoryan

May 23,2012 14:41

President Serzh Sargsyan and the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) top participated in the post-election party organized by General Manvel Grigoryan included in the RPA list for proportional representation and his son Karen Grigoryan, the mayor of Ejmiatsin, the other day. It took place in a restaurant called Davitnots located between Ejmiatsin and Zvartnots. The principals of the schools in the region who had been heads of election commissions and had ensured many votes for the RPA also participated in the party. They say that the president behaved quite relaxed, proposed toasts, danced, he even had private conversations with some principals.

Hrant Grigoryan, Manvel Grigoryan’s nephew who had been elected an MP from the RPA through majoritarian representation in no. 20 electoral district, the region of Armavir, was not present at the party. The relations of the relatives are still tense, although they already are in the same political camp. Let us remind that after the 2008 presidential election, when General Manvel Grigoryan took a rather passive attitude and first President Levon Ter-Petrossian stated that General Manvel was with him and the people, Hrant Grigoryan publicly expressed his loyalty to the RPA and publicly “gave a lecture” to his uncle.

And during his campaign visit to Ejmiatsin in the latest parliamentary election, President Sargsyan expressed gratitude to generals Manvel Grigoryan and Seyran Saroyan, praised Manvel Grigoryan’s son, mayor Karen Grigoryan.


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