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The Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Didn’t Push Businessmen out, Since Other Forces Would Have Included Them in Their Ranks (Video)

June 04,2012 16:02

“Political activities and business cannot be combined in principle, but this phenomenon has a 20-year-long history and it is not that easy to eradicate it at once. Moreover, when the Republican Party leadership declared this, no party supported it, no party said ‘yes, we will join that too.’ As a result, one was under the following impression – what good news, the Republican Party will push businessmen out of its ranks, but we will include them in our ranks with pleasure, gaining some additional financial means by that too. Unfortunately, these phenomena were also noticeable. That was the reason why very steep steps were not taken in that direction,” Khosrov Harutyunyan, an RPA MP, said, in response to a question of whether the RPA had lied when it had stated that they weren’t going to take businessmen-MPs to the National Assembly.

As for the business activities of  Samvel Alexanyan in the Covered Marketplace, the member of the same party said that the RPA would surely not just watch the problem as an observer, “The mayor made a statement in that regard that it had not given any permission for that.”


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