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“If Turkey Wishes to Play an Important Role in This Region, It Should Reconcile With Armenians,” Hans Johan Schmidt Says

June 08,2012 17:24

At the initiative of the Italian Consulate in Gyumri, a big group of intellectuals from Turkey arrived in the second city of the republic today. The wife, daughter and son-in-law of Hrant Dink, the murdered editor-in-chief of Agos newspaper, were among them. Let us mention that currently the editor-in-chief of Agos is Hrant Dink’s son-in-law Rober Koptash. The most part of cultural events took place in October cinema hall of Gyumri. The pieces of Armenian and Turkish photojournalists were exhibited here, a movie was shown, after which a debate-conference took place, during which intellectuals expressed their ideas on normalizing relations between the two hostile neighbors. At the invitation of Antonio Montalto, the Italian Consul in Gyumri, many representatives of the diplomatic corps in the Republic of Armenia attended the event.

German Ambassador Hans Johan Schmidt also came, however, a bit late and before entering the hall, talked to journalists and expressed his opinion on normalizing the Armenian-Turkish relations. The Ambassador expressed regret for the fact that the Armenian-Turkish protocols had not been realized, because Turkey had refused to ratify them. According to the Ambassador, relations develop, nonetheless, thanks to public figures. “Turkey should admit what happened politically, I hope that Turkey will realize

one day that if it wishes to play an important role in the region, it should reconcile with Armenians, it must,” Hans Johan Schmidt said, not giving up hope of visiting Ani and Kars. Let us mention that the Ambassador’s tenure will end soon.


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