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Tsarukyan Is Reminded About His Motto “Our Words Match Our Deeds” Concerning Endorsing the President

June 11,2012 16:04

Artak Davtyan, a Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) MP, urged Gagik Tsarukyan during a conversation with to follow his motto and to fulfill his promise. In response to our question whether there was still hope that Gagik Tsarukyan would endorse Serzh Sargsyan in the presidential election, Mr. Davtyan said, “What does it mean is there still hope? Let me say the following – the motto ‘Our words match our deeds’ has been stated many times. That motto was in effect during the previous general election too. I am convinced, anyway, that not what is said orally, but what was recorded in written should be maintained.” Artak Davtyan thinks that the former coalition memorandum, which was signed between the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) and the RPA is still in effect.

Mr. Davtyan had stated earlier at Hayeli club that he thought the coalition would still expand. Therefore, we inquired thanks to whom the coalition would expand, whether they had expectations from the opposition or someone else. He responded, “We have expectations from the political forces that are represented in the National Assembly.”

According to Artak Davtyan, if the opposition says that everything is bad, let it participate and change everything, “When they say that we are being destroyed, when they say that we are being ruined, that we will not have statehood, it turns out that, according to them, it cannot be worse, can it? Therefore, if it cannot be worse, wouldn’t it be better, if they participated in the coalition, take some field and say that I will take this field and show how I will do?” In response to our observation that there was fear that they would take the good and hold the others accountable for the bad, he said, “What does it mean the good and the bad? If a natural or legal person isn’t inclined to take responsibility, he will not take it. At the end of the day, it is easier to appear as a critic all the time than to do something tangible.” In response to an observation no one would wish to take the responsibility for their decisions, as it was in the former coalition, the main decision-maker was the RPA, Mr. Davtyan said, “You know, if there is a specific ministry and that ministry carries out policy in that specific field, the public sees the result of that policy, as opposed to the legislative branch, where the tangible

result can be seen only after a while. The result of a ministry’s work is visible. Now let them work well and make the result public, let them make decisions and implement those decisions.” In response to a question whether the former coalition had been formal, Mr. Davtyan said, “When some people make such assessments, they make an offensive remark about the period of time we lived. Such statements are statements made without reflecting on the subject and I explain it just by pre-election sentiment.”


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