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The Train Between China and London Will Have a Stop in Yerevan

June 13,2012 16:11


 Hamlet Nersisyan, the author of Haytun TV show at the American AABC Channel, showing the map of the railway between China and London, which will pass through Yerevan and Istanbul, said at Tesaket (view) club today, “Are we ready to join this international project or are we still sleeping in night clubs?”

According to Hamlet Nersisyan, that railway is called Iron Silk Road. 75% of the world’s population will use the China-London railway. The express train will reach London from China in 2-3 days. The speed of the train will be 310km/h. The cost of the project is $15 billion. According to the map, the train will have a stop in Yerevan. According to Mr. Nersisyan, China will finish its part of construction work in 10 years.


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  1. Roy says:

    I am all for this. Smile in your face from China

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