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Armenians like to boast but are not the most boastful nation

June 13,2012 17:14

It is commonly said and well accepted that that we, Armenians, like to boast with our distinctive features and national identity. Well, if there is a firm ground for that, you may boast with your values and substantiate by facts. However, most of all, an unbiased evaluation and appraisal on behalf of third sides is more essential and is higher appreciated.

We also like to boast with our prominent and well-known Armenians. Self-boasting is quite common to a line of nations.

Self-boasting, especially, an unbiased praise may call on to attention and sound more impressive, if it’s to the point and is not glorified with excessive pride, experts say. However everything likes measure.

Of course, not only Armenians like to boast with their accomplishments and praise their country, but also a number of other nations. As per survey results, Finns like to boast most.

The results of this study, which was aimed at revealing the most boastful nations, was based on public opinion survey results, historical facts and self-identity features. It turns up that Finns hold the leading ranking among most boastful nations.

The researchers attribute this characteristic feature to a lame display of self-affirmation and self-expression. Italians are also distinguished with their self-appraisals. They mostly keep on boasting their country, individual achievements, possessions and wheels of success. Some other nations, mainly their neighbors, keep to the opinion that even the poorest Italian will definitely boast with some design work and talk in a self-admiring way. Well, that’s quite easy to check and conclude more an impartial opinion by heading to Italy and chatting with both southern Italians (hotels at the south of Italy: hotels / florence_italy.html) and northern ones (hotels at the north of Italy:

French people are also characterized with self-boasting features. The survey results revealed that the majority of the participants were of opinion that French cuisine is the best one not due to the fact they have tasted it, but because it’s a well spread appraisal and is commonly claimed so by the French.

As for the Slavic nations, Belarusian people are ranked as self-boasting nation. Let us note that mainly participants from their neighboring states were entilted to this exact opinion. Georgians were noted with self-boasting character among nations, landlocked in South Caucasus, the study said. Whether Georgians themselves keep to this opinion or not, is hard to say, but it may be experienced by visiting Georgia and contacting the locals (hotels in Tbilisi:

While talking about Armenians, several sources noted that Armenians mostly like to boast with their nation’s achievements, thus pointing out their diversity and breakthroughs on a majeure scale.

The results of the study also uncovered most modest and undemonstrative people, namely in favor of the Japanese and the Chinese. It was also said that the British are also not demostrative but on the contrary, are more restrained and reserved. However they were characterized as a bit more arrogant people, which their neighboring states regard for British self-assumption. Swedish people are also not ranked to a line of boastful nations, and quite often sharply express their attitude and intolerance with boastful people in a public way.

Americans like to boast with their number one country, according to the survey, call their country the most democratic one with a freedom of speech. This was the opinion of Europeans about Americans. But Americans, on the contrary, like to boast with the technological and overall advancement of their country.

The Russians, according to experts, are in the habit of boasting their historical and cultural achievements and accomplishments.

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