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“It Is Twice as Painful That Russia Signed the Statement of the Co-Chairs” (Video)

June 20,2012 17:26


During a conversation with Grigor Ayvazyan, the president of the Assembly of Azerbaijani Armenians, asked him to comment on the attitude and position of Russia on the latest developments on the contact line. Mr. Ayvazyan noted, “You have touched upon a sensitive issue. Actually, Azerbaijan is waiting for clarification of Russia’s position to resume the war. Naturally, Russia doesn’t have to allow unpleasant developments in the South Caucasus not in Armenia’s interest, but in its own interest, since as a result of any threat to the Republic of Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic or a change in status quo, Russia may lose its control over the South Caucasus. Therefore it is in the interest of the Russian Federation to take a pro-Armenian position.”

However, as opposed to the above-mentioned, Mr. Ayvazyan is disappointed with Russia, “I was deeply disappointed after the statement on the Karabakh issue made by the Troika during the G20 summit in Mexico. The statement is non-specific and vague in the sense that it reads that at the end of the day, the parties should have a modus vivendi, that if the war resumes, it will only add to the sufferings of the civilian population. Therefore, they de facto

let one think that the war may resume. And it is twice as painful that the Russian Federation signed such a statement.”

In response to our question what the reason for such an attitude of Russia was, Mr. Ayvazyan appealed to the internal and external problems of  Russia.


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