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From the Incident at Harsnakar to Violence Against Journalists (Video)

June 26,2012 17:47 inquired of Hovhannes Margaryan, the deputy chairman of the Rule of Law Party (RLP) and an RLP MP, what his position on the incident at Harsnakar was. He replied, “The law-enforcement bodies are dealing with that issue, it is still in progress. That phenomenon is culpable to me. However, all the merits of that incident should be thoroughly examined. The high-ranking officers who were also doctors struggled for rescuing others’ lives, now the life of one of them is in danger. I think that the merits should be scrupulously examined, the guilty should be severely punished, since any unpunished crime gives rise to another one, every unpunished criminal encourages another criminal.”

Mr. Margaryan preferred not to go into detail about the incident at Harsnakar and not to make strict assessments, instead, he smoothly switched to violence against journalists. He didn’t avoid boasting that it was also thanks to their legislative reforms that violence against journalists had shrunk recently.

In conclusion, getting back to the incident at Harsnakar again, the RLP MP said, “In this case, there is an act of hooliganism, a fight, which was committed not by an individual, but by a group. The punishment is severe, we just have to be consistent.”


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