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“The Armenian National Congress (ANC) Tries To Use the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) and It Is Unrealizable (Video)

June 27,2012 18:25

Armen Martirosyan, the deputy chairman of the Heritage Party executive committee, analyzing the political attitude of the PAP, stated a few days ago that the PAP was particularly against the Prime Minister, as a person, and the PAP might have thought that they could aspire after the office of the Prime Minister. Therefore, inquired during a conversation with Khosrov Harutyunyan, a Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) MP, whether he agreed with the representative of the Heritage Party. Mr. Harutyunyan replied, “During the whole election campaign, the PAP chose the Prime Minister and his Cabinet as a target of its criticism. It didn’t try to conceal that dissatisfaction. Certainly, these statements are a bit vulnerable in the sense that the PAP was offered lots of opportunities to express such dissatisfaction, when it was in the coalition. However, if one considers that the coalition was formed after the events of March 1, one can realize that the PAP had a mission of adding to the strength of the political government at the time, in order that the president succeeded in moving the society from the situation created after the events of March 1 to normal development. At the time the PAP realized its participation in a more important mission and it could avoid making grounded, but inappropriate criticism of the government.”

Analyzing the situation in the period of the election, K. Harutyunyan stated, “The PAP could not help but state about its dissatisfaction with the Cabinet. And as a result of the election, two political leaders were formed and rationality and ethics suggested that the RPA leader and the President of the Republic of Armenia should make a proposal to the PAP whether it would like to continue cooperation. It would have been unnatural, if there hadn’t been such a proposal made to a former partner. And the PAP could have said ‘let us cooperate, if this one is there….’ The PAP couldn’t join the coalition, which would explicitly defend the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.”

In response to our question whether the PAP would be attracted to the “ANC advances,” as K. Harutyunyan put it, while it saw that the most important offices in the country are in the hands of the RPA, all the same. In regard to this K. Harutyunyan said, “When the PAP didn’t join the coalition, it realized quite well that it couldn’t help but be out of the coalition and take on responsibility. It took a very smart step. But it cannot be attracted as if look I had a few offices, now I have none. I don’t think that the PAP is guided by those approaches. Let me doubt that the PAP will be attracted to the ANC advances. It is so obvious that the ANC leadership tries to employ the PAP capital, in order to reach its objectives and it is not realizable.”

Tatev Harutyunyan

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