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Has Davit Shahnazaryan Been “Driven Away” From the National Movement?

June 29,2012 13:16

 Or maybe he has gone on vacation or wants to collect his thoughts

Levon Ter-Petrossian, the leader of the Congress, stated in his speech at the latest rally that when the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) had left the coalition, Serzh Sargsyan and the gang rule had become weaker. In response to a question of Aravot whether the Armenian National Congress (ANC) had not become weaker in recent years, in his assessment, Hmayak

Hovhannisyan, the president of the Union of Political Scientists, said, “The ANC has not become weaker, the ANC has dissolved. Where is Davit Shahnazaryan, where is Andranik Kocharyan? They are the main figures of the ANC. From the beginning, the ANC was established as a union of not only parties, organizations, but also influential individuals. And now those influential individuals are not there. Why don’t we see Davit Shahnazaryan and Andranik Kocharyan who have reduced their activity to zero? They don’t participate in the Congress activities, they also avoid showing political activity, which shows that the Congress, instead of making the national movement more efficient and more purposeful, we see quite the opposite result today. Not only has the Congress not made the activities of the figures involved in the national movement more efficient, but also has made them more passive. I would say that it has driven them away from the national movement. The Congress, abandoning its main objectives, is engaged in reaching goals and meeting interests of other political forces today. Whereas it is a road to a deadlock.”

We asked ANC MP Lyudmila Sargsyan to explain why Davit Shahnazaryan is not on the political arena. She assured that she saw no problem with Davit Shahnazaryan, “I think that everyone has the right to have a rest and collect his thoughts and many of us exercise it.” In response to our observation that Davit Shahnazaryan neither participated in rallies anymore, nor made any comments on certain processes at all, she said, “We don’t discuss personalities. I am talking about the general situation. I am not inclined to express an opinion on concrete people.”


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