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The Armament and Reinforcement of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Defense Army Continues

July 09,2012 11:49

In recent years, the defense army has undergone unprecedentedly positive changes. In particular, it has been reinforced with new armaments and military equipment, including artillery. The number of contract and mandatory servicemen has increased. Besides, the import of highly effective vehicles continues. Movses Hakobyan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and the commander of the defense army, said that during a conversation with journalists at a press conference that took place at the Yeghnikner military base the other day.

Mr. Hakobyan assured that soldiers who had served for 6 months and one year had been granted a leave for the first time.

According to the data of the first quarter of 2012, the amount of shots fired by the enemy has increased twice and the number of subversive-reconnaissance operations four times; as a result of two operations, one Armenian serviceman was killed, another 3 were injured and the other subversive Azerbaijani operations suffered losses, “We are decisive in maintaining the dominant role on the frontline, otherwise the war will resume,” the minister said.

Compared to last year, there is a decrease in emergency situations and body injuries. “The overall discipline is manageable, but every serviceman’s death is a loss for us. Servicemen are under supervision and they can call the commanders or me at any moment. Our phone numbers are pasted to all military bases,” Movses Hakobyan said.

In the minister’s words, the military parade on May 9 in the Stepanakert square dedicated to the liberation of Shushi and the 20th anniversary of establishing the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic defense army was unique, “The Azerbaijani mass media had not said anything for a long time, but after that they stated that the military equipment for the parade had been brought from the Republic of Armenia, whereas nothing had been brought from the Republic of Armenia, except for the helicopters. What was shown during the parade was only 5% of our armaments; the other 95% perform military tasks. The response has considerably exceeded the money spent,” the commander added.


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