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Whom Else Will Serzh Sargsyan Punish? (Video)

July 10,2012 17:53 asked Stepan Safaryan, the secretary of the Heritage Party, to say whether he shared the opinion that the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) had taken a path of a purge. Mr. Safaryan replied, “I don’t think that it has started a purge, since I can mention a set of opportunities, which he (Serzh Sargsyan – T. H.) could have seized, but he didn’t. He doesn’t have such a wish, regardless of the fact that people inside the RPA realize that the inhomogeneous composition of the RPA, when there are people from oligarchs to politicians inside the party, is not in the interest of the party. However, I can say one thing that the Republican Party is compelled to take these steps to save its reputation, since it cannot deny the reasonable demand of the society in regard to Harsnakar. It would mean for the RPA to take the road to perdition.”

In response to our question whether the RPA used Harsnakar to save its reputation, Mr. Safaryan said, “I think that it assesses adequately and realizes the consequences of not taking those steps.”

In response to a question whether other oligarchs would suffer the same fate, S. Safaryan said, “There could have been and they can still be, since all will not be treated alike, there will be reduces of business privileges, some people will be driven out of politics. They will be compelled to do certain things, since not only cannot Armenia exist as it is, but also the Republican Party as a ruling force is responsible for changing the situation, since the development of relations with European organizations is under threat. The existence of oligarchs and the fact that they dictate the rules of the game are an obstacle in the way of having good relations with Europe. Those rules of the game show to what extent the relations between Europe and Armenia can develop. Europe cannot open its door to a country, whose rules of the game are not only unacceptable, but also intolerable for it. Serzh Sargsyan has agreed this way or another to solve those issues, in order not to cause problems inside the team, he may choose mild versions, but I cannot rule out that concerning some people, it will be in the way of getting rid of them.”

Mr. Safaryan didn’t mention names and said, “They are so many… I cannot mention names, since some smart people may claim that I have come to a press conference from the Presidential Palace with the list in my hand. There are so many such people in the National Assembly. Serzh Sargsyan will punish those who are disobedient, untrustworthy, play in different camps or harm his image, specifically, this way or another. It is pointless to talk about long-term serious strategies of this government, this is a government that lives from hand to mouth, manages to solve everyday problems in some way, therefore, we should wait and see whom it will punish.”


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