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The Press Secretary of the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Doesn’t Want to Try to Benefit

July 11,2012 16:12

 “I want to answer that question in another context, in order not to try to benefit from anything – I wish that generally, in case of similar events, crimes and negative phenomena, the respective laws of the Republic of Armenia written in black and white are enforced, period. One shouldn’t make assessments, definitions or conclusions here, because there is a criminal code, which gives answers to all questions,” Tigran Urikhanyan, a PAP official responsible for public relations, said, answering a question of what he thought of the tragic events that had taken place at Harsnakar Restaurant and the developments in regard to that, whether this social movement could turn into something bigger, whether this was the beginning of the Armenian oligarchy’s end.

“I would like that a permanent, continuously operating movement, an active civil society formed and matured among us, there were state officials that had stemmed from that society, including the legal system, who would work in a way that was appropriate for people with respective mentality, they would work in accordance with the law written in black and

white. As a centrist, I believe in and attach much importance to the factor that the social supervision is continuous in regard to all those events, in which the laws and the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia have something to say,” our interlocutor said.


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